If you're mad with someone and nobody's there to fix the situation... You fix it. Maybe today, that person still wants to be your friend.
And if u don't, tomorrow can be too late.
If you're in love with somebody, but that person doesn't know... tell her/him. Maybe today, that person is also in love with you.
And if you don't say it, tomorrow can be too late.
If you still love a person that you think has forgotten you... tell her/him. Maybe that person has always loved you.
And if you don't tell her/him today, tomorrow can be too late.
If you need a hug of a friend... ask her/him for it. Maybe they need it more than you do.
And if you don't ask for it today, tomorrow can be too late.
If you really have friends who you appreciate... tell them. Maybe they appreciate you as well. That if you don't and they leave or go far away today, tomorrow can be too late.
If you love your parents, and never had the chance to show them... do it. Maybe you have them there to show them how you feel.
That if you don't and they leave today, and then tomorrow can be too late.
aa. ya. tomorrow may be too late.
tomorrow never dies? XD kiddin.
agreed with u.but what about 'better late than never'?
To emcee_subzero:
Better late than never? Well,it depends...sometimes it may become "sayang semuanya sudah terlambat" nanti mengigit jari pulak...hihihi
haha..betul tu mak..syah,sila la mulakan apa yg patut..kang melepas..hihi
emak,me sakit kepala sejak smlm lg but du worry too much.thia kan pandai jaga diri..jgn risau,thia takkan amik sebarangan ubat..hihi
alamak. i hv a friend, he changed me in so many ways. i really miss him, n next sem i cannot see him anymore, bcoz he'll be studying in Aussie. I really want to tell him how i appreciate him. but i donno how, yela, lelaki ni kalau nak luahkan perasaan camni nanti org fikir awkward pulak kan.
eh dah cerita kat auntie pulak..jadi auntie kena bagi advice, boleh? hee
thnx for ur wonderful entries!
haaa... baca elok2 frasa yg terakhir wahai org cairo.. hehe
dulu aku masa dok asrama. bila hujung minggu balik kg, rasa sayang sungguh nk lepak2 dgn kwn kt luar.
eh! tetiba jek.. hahaha!
nasihat yg baik auntie. tersedak juga sekejap.. hihi
To Dan
There are many ways to show our appreciation....other than expressing words.. you can buy him gifts or something that would make him appreciate and remember you always...or treat him for special lunch or dinner. There's nothing weird about it.
Do it now b4 its too late!
Nak berkarya macam cikgu xpandai..maklumlah dah lama meninggalkan alam penulisan. So hanya kata-kata nasihat yg dipinjam yg dpt dikongsi sebagai pedoman bersama.
Anyway, thnx 4 visiting.
terima kasih 4 ur advice!
hi..long time no c...lame aunty bhibernate...erm,seronok bc entry ni...lg2 yg phrase no 2 n no 3...hahaha...
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